Key Bindings
Key | Action |
? | display key bindings |
q, ctrl+c, esc | exit program |
pgdown, space, f | page down |
pgup, b | page up |
u, ctrl+u | half page up |
d, ctrl+d | half page down |
g / G | goto top/bottom |
↑ / ↓, k / j | up/down |
→, l, enter | expand |
←, h, backspace | collapse |
L, shift+→ | expand recursively |
H, shift+← | collapse recursively |
1-9 | collapse to nth level |
e / E | expand/collapse all |
J, shift+↓ | next sibling |
K, shift+↑ | previous sibling |
z | toggle strings wrap |
y | yank/copy |
/ | search with regexp |
n / N | next/prev search result |
p | preview value |
P | print value |
. | dig json |
If you forget the available commands, press ? to display the key bindings.